1-Oct John 16:1-15 The Holy Spirit is in Us as Our Advocate and Counselor
2-Oct John 16:16-24 We May Experience Grief, but Jesus Turns Our Sadness into Joy
3-Oct John 16:25-33 In this World, We Will Have Troubles, but Jesus has Overcome them All
4-Oct John 17:1-8 Jesus Brought God Glory by Doing What the Father Asked
5-Oct John 17:9-19 Because Jesus Came, We Can be Filled with Joy
6-Oct John 17:20-26 The Love of Jesus is Inside of Us
7-Oct John 18:1-11 Jesus Was Called to Suffer for Us
8-Oct John 18:12-24 Jesus was Punished Even though He had Done no Wrong
9-Oct John 18:25-40 Jesus’ Kingdom is not of This Earth
10-Oct John 19:1-16 Jesus Suffered so that We Could be Set Free
11-Oct John 19:17-42 Jesus’ Death Fulfilled Everything that God Prophesied
12-Oct John 20:1-18 The Empty Tomb
13-Oct John 20:19-30 Jesus Appears to His Disciples
14-Oct John 21:1-14 Jesus and the Miraculous Catch of Fish
15-Oct John 21 15:25 The Disciple Whom Jesus Loved
16-Oct Acts 1:1-11 The Promise of the Holy Spirit
17-Oct Acts 1:12- 26 Matthias Replaces Judas
18-Oct Acts 2:1-13 The Holy Spirit Comes
19-Oct Acts 2-:14-31 Peter Preaches to the Crowd
20-Oct Acts 2:32-47 The Believers Form a Community
21-Oct Acts 3:1-11 Peter Heals a Crippled Beggar
22-Oct Acts 3:12-26 Peter Preaches in the Temple
23-Oct Acts 4:1-12 Peter and John before the Council
24-Oct Acts 4:13-22 The Believers Pray for Courage
25-Oct Acts 4:23-37 The Believers Pray for Courage​​​​​​​
26-Oct Acts 5:1-11 Ananias and Sapphira
27-Oct Acts 5:12-28 The Apostles Heal Many
28-Oct Acts 5:29-42 The Apostles Meet Opposition
29-Oct Acts 6:1-7 Seven Men Chosen to Serve
30-Oct Acts 6:8-15 Stephen Is Arrested
31-Oct Acts 7:1-16 Stephen Addresses the Council