Retreat Dates
September 26th – 29th, 2024
Registration is now closed.
If you have any questions email Nate Rayl: nrayl@graceohio.org
Every day we face challenges as men that require vision, courage, and a deep passion to navigate life. Some days you may feel like you’re “killing it” and other days you may feel behind or stuck in the grind. One of the most important things we can do in life is pause and understand what is going on in our heart! That is why you need to join other men at this retreat and experience what God can do in your heart this weekend! You will experience great teaching, a better understanding of your masculine heart, healing, and be prepared to lead yourself and those you influence.
For more information email Nate Rayl: nrayl@graceohio.org
Over the past few years, a handful of men from Grace Church have been attending the Wild at Heart BOOTCAMP out in Colorado. Their experience was life changing! Birthed out of that men’s retreat was the vision to someday create a similar experience for men at Grace Church back home near Akron. We feel now is the time to take that next step and invite you to join!

What Should I expect?
This Men’s Retreat is being organized and run by the staff and leadership of Grace Church. We are excited about creating this retreat environment for men to get away to connect with other men and grow closer to Christ. Our destination for this men’s retreat is Camp Carl in Ravenna, Ohio. Elements of the weekend will include powerful teaching/equipping sessions, time for solitude in creation, conversations around the firepit with other men, activities around camp carl, and sharing meals together. The teaching content of Wild at Heart will be led by John Eldredge and his team through video sessions.
Thursday – Plan to arrive between 5pm-6pm
Friday & Saturday – Full day of events and activities
Sunday – Departure 12pm
Why Do I Need This Men’s Retreat?
A man needs a deeper understanding of his masculine heart—and why God made him just like that. What if those deep desires in our hearts are telling us the truth, revealing to us the lives we were meant to live? A man must know he is powerful; he must know he has what it takes. The way we handle the heart is everything. This is not a retreat about the “seven things a man ought to do to be a nicer guy.” It is a four-day quest into the recovery of a man’s masculine soul, the release of a man’s heart—his passions and his true nature—all given to him by God.
For more information email Nate Rayl: nrayl@graceohio.org