What is Thrive Together?

We are fully committed to kids and students, devoting major resources and energy to equip them for a Jesus-centered life. We invest heavily in the children in our homes, our city, and across the globe.  Thrive Together is our step towards investing in kids and students locally and globally through mentoring and sponsorships. You can give to equip this next generation and join us as WE THRIVE TOGETHER.

We believe strongly that the way we invest in our community is through relationships. There are ways we do that corporatley and individually. With something as little as two hours a week, your willingness to build intergenerational relationships can bring hope and dignity to where it can hardest to find.

If you’re interested in being a mentor, let us know and we will get you paired with the right opportunity.

At Grace, we have partners around the globe, two of which are partners in Bercy, Haiti, and Food for the Hungry in Chel, Guatemala. The ways we can continue to build relationships and support our partners are prayer, updates, and sponsorship.

One of the ways that students find hope and a way out of poverty is through school and the promise that brings. Access to education is challenging and expensive for many families.

Consider sponsoring a class (or a part of a class) in Bercy, Haiti, or a student in Chel, Guatemala who you can pray for, write to, provide encouragement, and hopefully one day visit!

We hope you’ll find that Grace is somewhere that you can feel comfortable to explore faith, ask questions, grow spiritually, and connect with others. And most importantly, of course, we hope you connect with God!


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Young Adults


Volunteer Teams

City Serve

Salt & Light

Global Missions

GO Teams

Crisis Response