God has created so many different people groups, so many ethnicities that make up the tapestry of the world’s population. To this reality, God has called us to be his ambassadors and to make disciples of all nations and people groups. God’s heart and direction also leads us to the poor. With so much hurt, pain, loss and poverty all around the world, we can respond to these opportunities desperately crying for God’s compassion and love. Let’s follow God’s initiative for the nations and bring them the hope of the story of Jesus.
Interested in Giving It Away by serving globally? Fill out the Global Interest form by clicking the button below.
Our intention at Grace is to partner strategically in hard areas of the world where we can live holistically, generously and serve as a catalyst for a movement of God’s church globally. Our goal is to encourage and build up the local cross-cultural workers/pastors so that they feel better equipped to send out their own cross-cultural workers.
GO Teams travel to other cultures to engage communities, building relationships through hands-on ministry and partnerships with local churches.
One of the ways that we are able to support our global partners in their work is through child sponsorship. Through our Guatemalan and Haitian partners we are able to help provide hope and dignity to families and students.
We know how challenging to know where to start or how to find information. We have compiled resources in one easy place for you to begin your journey to learn more about global missions and what God might be calling you in to. You will find book lists, class options, past sermons, and mission opportunities.
At Grace, we want to help with relief efforts, intentionally support the rebuilding process, and do what we can to understand the uniqueness of each phase of disaster relief. If we can collectively help bring restoration, then we will gladly engage that opportunity to tangibly bring the hope of Christ to a community in need through the sending of teams and financial support.
We want to create teams of people who are ready to go so that we can respond as quickly as possible to the needs of others. Click below to learn more about these teams.
Jesus calls us to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Matt. 28:19-20)
Our intention at Grace is to partner strategically in hard areas of the world where we can live holistically, generously and serve as a catalyst for a movement of God’s church globally. Our goal is to encourage and build up the local cross-cultural workers/pastors so that they feel better equipped to send out their own cross-cultural workers.

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