Week 4
Welcome to week 4 of the GameDay VIEW. It stands for Volunteer Inspiration Each Week!
This week Pastor Nate shares about how God made us different. Often times we tend to worry about a lot of things but our verse this week is a great reminder and helps to give us peace. It’s Matthew 6:26 “Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to Him than they are?” We are made different from everything else in creation and if God is looking after the birds, He is surely looking after us! Being made in God’s image gives us our value and worth. He cares for us, rest in that truth this week.
You have an amazing opportunity to help your athletes see how they are made different because they are made in His image. Look for ways to show them how God cares for them this week!
This Week’s
Halftime Video
This Week’s
This Week’s
“Look at the birds in the sky, your father takes care of them, and aren’t you worth much more than that?”
Matthew 6:26
- PowerKids will be hosting Taste of Grace
- Classes started last week during practice times but there’s still time to join. Click here to find out more.
- Next week is Picture Week! More info to come on that!