We hope you’ll find that Grace is somewhere that you can feel comfortable to explore faith, ask questions, grow spiritually, and connect with others. And most importantly, of course, we hope you connect with God!
8/1/2020 Titus 3:3-9 Saved Through Jesus 8/2/2020 Mark 5:24-34 Jesus Heals the Sick Woman 8/3/2020 Deut 10:17-22 Command To Be Kind To The Least Among Us 8/4/2020 John...
7/25/2020 Psalms 91: 1-16 God is My Refuge 7/26/2020 Isaiah 29:11-24 Greater Context To Mark 7 7/27/2020 Jeremiah 17:1-10 The Heart Of Man Is Wicked 7/28/2020 Jeremiah 7:1-7 What God Requires...
18-Jul Hebrews 4:1-13 Enter God’s Rest through Christ 19-Jul Mark 4:35-41 Jesus Calms the Storm 20-Jul John 16:19-24 Grief Turns to Joy 21-Jul John 16:25-33 Trouble in the Word; Peace in Christ 22-Jul Mark 5:1-16 On the Other Side of the Storm 23-Jul Psalms...
11-Jul James 5:13-20 Pray with Faith for Forgiveness 12-Jul Mark 2:23-28 Sabbath Made for Man 13-Jul Exodus 16:13-30 God Gives Day of Rest 14-Jul Exodus 31:12-18 Sabbath is a Lasting Covenant 15-Jul Luke 6:1-11 Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath 16-Jul John 5:16-27...
4-Jul John 14:1-14 The Way, The Truth, The Life 5-Jul Mark 2:1-12 Forgiveness and Healing 6-Jul Mark 2:13-17 Sick Need a Doctor 7-Jul Luke 18:9-14 The Pharisee and the Tax Collector 8-Jul Matthew 9:1-13 Jesus Calls Sinners 9-Jul 1 Timothy 1:12-17 Grace Poured Out...
27-Jun Psalm 103:8-19 Compassionate Love of God 28-Jun Mark 1:14-28 Come Follow Me 29-Jun John 8:12-20 Follow the Light 30-Jun John 12:23-32 Where I Am, My Servant Will Be 1-Jul Matthew 16:21-28 Take Up Cross and Follow Me 2-Jul 1 John 5:1-12 Love God and Carry Out...