Meets On: Wednesday
Time: 6:15pm
Location: Wadsworth
Childcare: Yes

Age Range: 30s/40s


What do you enjoy spending your time doing?
  • Tyler; I enjoy following sports mostly football and basketball and doing lego sets with my family
    Tia: I enjoy reading, homeschooling our kiddos, spending time with my friends and family
What are people surprised to learn about you?
  • We are high school sweethearts, and love to CrossFit together.
When was a time that serving others made an impact on your life?
  • We were able to participate and serve during go and do weekend as a church a couple years ago. The amount of good we were able to accomplish for our community in the name of Jesus over one weekend was amazing. Also, partnering with our city partner First Glance with our previous life group was so much fun by being able to help facilitate that relationship with our group and serve the Kenmore community.


The purpose of Life Groups is to make disciples who Know It, Live It, and Give It Away by sharing life together. No matter your age or season of life, these groups offer the best way for you to get connected at Grace Church and build meaningful relationships. Feel free to try a few groups, be a guest a few times, and then join the one that best fits you and your family.