Rethinking Sexuality

Rethinking Sexuality

God created human sexuality as part of His perfect design and yet we often have pain associated with it. Using Dr. Juli Slattery’s book, “Rethinking Sexuality”, this group is a great place to begin a healthy discussion around biblical sexuality and offers practical...


Pick a task, any task: some people are going to be really good at it, and others, well, not so good. Have you ever wondered why? This class will help you discover how God has wired and “shaped” you by exploring Scripture and the different things that make...
Discovering Global Missions

Discovering Global Missions

Have you ever wondered how God might be calling you to share your faith beyond your normal, day-to-day life? God desires that people of all nations, tribes, and cultures would know Him and receive the salvation of Jesus. God invites us to join Him in reaching that...
Finding the Hero in Your Husband

Finding the Hero in Your Husband

Women know how to work hard at marriage, but they often don’t know how to use their power with wisdom. Join us as we walk through Dr. Juli Slattery’s book “Finding the Hero in Your Husband.” This 10-week group will help you understand the influence God has given you...
Adult Baptism Class

Adult Baptism Class

This class will explain baptism and prepare you to be baptized. Baptism is for those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior and are ready to take the next step in publicly proclaiming their faith in Him. Choose one class to attend. Date: March 16 at 9am...