Week 9
Week 9 Highlights: Welcome to week 9 of the GameDay VIEW. It stands for Volunteer Inspiration Each Week! We are in week 9! Thanks for your faithfulness in serving. This week Pastor Nate talks about how God saved what He made. John 3:16-17 says “God so loved the world...
Week 8
Week 8 Highlights: Welcome to week 8 of the GameDay VIEW. It stands for Volunteer Inspiration Each Week! This week Pastor Nate talks about how God made us to be His children. “We are called children of God. And that’s what we really are!” 1 John...
Week 7
Week 7 Highlights: Welcome to week 7 of the GameDay VIEW. It stands for Volunteer Inspiration Each Week! This week Pastor Nate talks about how God made a way through Jesus for us to have a relationship with Him! This week’s verse tells us how to accept that...
Week 6
Week 6 Highlights: Welcome to week 6 of the GameDay VIEW. It stands for Volunteer Inspiration Each Week! Thanks for the commitment and effort you pour into serving here at GameDay! We greatly value all that you do! We want you to know that we are here for you! If...