We Need One Another by Pastor Jeff Bogue
I love the church! And I am so grateful that God created the spiritual entity called the church. Christ in his infinite wisdom knew that we needed each other. We need each other to grow, we need each other to become more like Christ, we need each other in times of trouble, and we need each other in times of celebration. Christ created the church to facilitate and to meet all those needs, and that’s why Christianity is a team sport.
Our faith with God is most certainly personal but it’s never private. It’s meant to be shared with each other, and until I have positioned myself relationally so that I am sharing my life with other people and they are in turn sharing their life with me, I will never experience the fullness of what God wants to give me or how he’s going to work completely and powerfully in my life.
Our big vision and goal for the Bath campus this coming year is that we fully embrace the “One Another’s”. There are over 50 “One Another” commands in the Scripture that I cannot follow as a Christian if I do not have other people in my life. I need some type of biblical community around me in which I’m sharing my life with other people and allowing them to share their lives with me.
I’m excited about how God is going to use this Fall in our lives to deepen our relationship with him, to continually fuel our vision for building the kingdom of God, and to deepen our love for each other. So, the place is right here at Grace Church, the church that God has built and has drawn each of us to. And the time is right now that we want to position our lives so that we’re loving God, loving our neighbors, and embracing the high calling of Jesus.